Sass API reference
Path to the assets directory, with trailing slash.
This is the directory where the images and fonts subdirectories live. You will need to make this directory available via your application – see the README for details.
Default value
$govuk-assets-path: "/assets/";
View source code for _assets.scss on GitHub
Path to the images folder, with trailing slash.
Default value
$govuk-images-path: "#{$govuk-assets-path}images/";
View source code for _assets.scss on GitHub
Path to the fonts folder, with trailing slash.
Default value
$govuk-fonts-path: "#{$govuk-assets-path}fonts/";
View source code for _assets.scss on GitHub
Custom image URL function
If the built-in image URL helper does not meet your needs, you can specify the name of a custom handler – either built in or by writing your own function.
If you are writing your own handler, ensure that it returns a string wrapped
with url()
Default value
$govuk-image-url-function: false;
Example: Rails asset handling
$govuk-image-url-function: 'image-url';
Example: Custom asset handling
@function my-url-handler($filename) {
// Some custom URL handling
@return url('example.jpg');
$govuk-image-url-function: 'my-url-handler';
View source code for _assets.scss on GitHub
Custom font URL function
If the built-in font URL helper does not meet your needs, you can specify the name of a custom handler – either built in or by writing your own function.
If you are writing your own handler, ensure that it returns a string wrapped
with url()
Default value
$govuk-font-url-function: false;
Example: Rails asset handling
$govuk-font-url-function: 'font-url';
Example: Custom asset handling
@function my-url-handler($filename) {
// Some custom URL handling
@return url('example.woff');
$govuk-font-url-function: 'my-url-handler';
View source code for _assets.scss on GitHub
Brand colour
Default value
$govuk-brand-colour: govuk-colour("blue");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Text colour
Default value
$govuk-text-colour: govuk-colour("black");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Canvas background colour
Used by the footer component and template to give the illusion of a long footer.
Default value
$govuk-canvas-background-colour: govuk-colour("light-grey");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Body background colour
Default value
$govuk-body-background-colour: govuk-colour("white");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Text colour for print media
Use ‘true black’ to avoid printers using colour ink to print body text
Default value
$govuk-print-text-colour: #000000;
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Secondary text colour
Used in for example ‘muted’ text and help text.
Default value
$govuk-secondary-text-colour: govuk-colour("dark-grey");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Focus colour
Used for outline (and background, where appropriate) when interactive elements (links, form controls) have keyboard focus.
Default value
$govuk-focus-colour: govuk-colour("yellow");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Focused text colour
Ensure that the contrast between the text and background colour passes WCAG Level AA contrast requirements.
Default value
$govuk-focus-text-colour: govuk-colour("black");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Error colour
Used to highlight error messages and form controls in an error state
Default value
$govuk-error-colour: govuk-colour("red");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Success colour
Used to highlight success messages and banners
Default value
$govuk-success-colour: govuk-colour("green");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Border colour
Used in for example borders, separators, rules and keylines.
Default value
$govuk-border-colour: govuk-colour("mid-grey");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Input border colour
Used for form inputs and controls
Default value
$govuk-input-border-colour: govuk-colour("black");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Input hover colour
Used for hover states on form controls
Default value
$govuk-hover-colour: govuk-colour("mid-grey");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Link colour
Default value
$govuk-link-colour: govuk-colour("blue");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Visited link colour
Default value
$govuk-link-visited-colour: govuk-colour("purple");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Link hover colour
Default value
$govuk-link-hover-colour: govuk-colour("dark-blue");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Active link colour
Default value
$govuk-link-active-colour: govuk-colour("black");
View source code for _colours-applied.scss on GitHub
Feature flag for updated organisation list and colours
When set to true, $govuk-colours-organisations will use the new organisation list and colour selection.
Should be removed in 6.0.
Deprecated: Using new organisation colours will become the default in Frontend v6.0.
Default value
$govuk-new-organisation-colours: false;
View source code for _colours-organisations.scss on GitHub
Set public organisation colours variable to one of the two maps. Users can also pass their own map to this to override it entirely.
Default value
$govuk-colours-organisations: $_govuk-legacy-organisation-colours;
View source code for _colours-organisations.scss on GitHub
Colour palette
Default value
$govuk-colours: (
"red": #d4351c,
"yellow": #ffdd00,
"green": #00703c,
"blue": #1d70b8,
"dark-blue": #003078,
"light-blue": #5694ca,
"purple": #4c2c92,
"black": #0b0c0c,
"dark-grey": #505a5f,
"mid-grey": #b1b4b6,
"light-grey": #f3f2f1,
"white": #ffffff,
"light-purple": #6f72af,
"bright-purple": #912b88,
"pink": #d53880,
"light-pink": #f499be,
"orange": #f47738,
"brown": #b58840,
"light-green": #85994b,
"turquoise": #28a197
View source code for _colours-palette.scss on GitHub
Global styles
Include ‘global’ styles
Whether to style paragraphs (<p>
) and links (<a>
) without explicitly
having to apply the govuk-body
and govuk-link
Default value
$govuk-global-styles: false;
View source code for _global-styles.scss on GitHub
Width of main container
Default value
$govuk-page-width: 960px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Map of grid column widths
Default value
$govuk-grid-widths: (
one-quarter: (
100% / 4
one-third: (
100% / 3
one-half: (
100% / 2
two-thirds: (
200% / 3
three-quarters: (
300% / 4
full: 100%
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Width of gutter between grid columns
Default value
$govuk-gutter: 30px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Width of half the gutter between grid columns
Default value
$govuk-gutter-half: $govuk-gutter / 2;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Standard border width
Default value
$govuk-border-width: 5px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Wide border width
Default value
$govuk-border-width-wide: 10px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Narrow border width
Default value
$govuk-border-width-narrow: 4px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Form control border width
Default value
$govuk-border-width-form-element: 2px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Form group border width when in error state
Default value
$govuk-border-width-form-group-error: $govuk-border-width;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Border width of focus outline
Default value
$govuk-focus-width: 3px;
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Hover width for form controls with a hover state
Default value
$govuk-hover-width: 10px;
View source code for _measurements.scss on GitHub
Breakpoint definitions
Default value
$govuk-breakpoints: (
mobile: 320px,
tablet: 641px,
desktop: 769px
View source code for _media-queries.scss on GitHub
Show active breakpoint in top-right corner.
Only use this during local development.
Default value
$govuk-show-breakpoints: false;
View source code for _media-queries.scss on GitHub
Thickness of link underlines
The default will be either:
- 1px
- 0.0625rem, if it’s thicker than 1px because the user has changed the text size in their browser
Set this variable to false
to avoid setting a thickness.
Default value
$govuk-link-underline-thickness: unquote("max(1px, .0625rem)");
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Offset of link underlines from text baseline
The default is 3px expressed as ems, as calculated against the default body font size (on desktop) of 19px. 3 ÷ 19 = 0.1578
Set this variable to false
to avoid setting an offset.
Default value
$govuk-link-underline-offset: 0.1578em;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Thickness of link underlines in hover state
The default for each link will be the thickest of the following:
- 3px
- 0.1875rem, if it’s thicker than 3px because the user has changed the text size in their browser
- 0.12em (relative to the link’s text size)
Set this variable to false
to avoid setting a thickness.
Default value
$govuk-link-hover-underline-thickness: unquote("max(3px, .1875rem, .12em)");
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Font families to use for all typography on screen media
Default value
$govuk-font-family: "GDS Transport", arial, sans-serif;
View source code for _typography-font.scss on GitHub
Font families to use for print media
We recommend that you use system fonts when printing. This will avoid issues with some printer drivers and operating systems.
Default value
$govuk-font-family-print: sans-serif;
View source code for _typography-font.scss on GitHub
Include the default @font-face declarations
Defaults to true if “GDS Transport” appears in the $govuk-font-family setting.
Default value
$govuk-include-default-font-face: if(index($govuk-font-family, "GDS Transport"), true, false);
View source code for _typography-font.scss on GitHub
Font weight for regular typography
Default value
$govuk-font-weight-regular: 400;
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Font weight for bold typography
Default value
$govuk-font-weight-bold: 700;
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Root font size
This is used to calculate rem sizes for the typography, and should match the effective font-size of your root (or html) element.
Ideally you should not be setting the font-size on the html or root element in order to allow it to scale with user-preference, in which case this should be set to 16px.
Default value
$govuk-root-font-size: 16px;
View source code for _typography-responsive.scss on GitHub
Feature flag for new typography scale
When set to true, $govuk-typography-scale will use the new font map instead of the current/old one as well as apply changes in components to account for the updated scale.
Should be removed in 6.0.
Default value
$govuk-new-typography-scale: false;
View source code for _typography-responsive.scss on GitHub
Responsive typography font map
This is used to generate responsive typography that adapts according to the breakpoints.
Font size and font weight can be defined for each breakpoint. You can define different behaviour on tablet and desktop. The ‘null’ breakpoint is for mobile.
Line-heights will automatically be converted from pixel measurements into relative values. For example, with a font-size of 16px and a line-height of 24px, the line-height will be converted to 1.5 before output.
You can also specify a separate font size and line height for print media.
Default value
$govuk-typography-scale: if(
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Suppressed warnings map
This map is used to determine which deprecation warnings to not show to users when compiling sass. This is in place for codebases that do not have the necessary capacity to upgrade and remove the deprecation, particularly if the deprecation is significant. For example, the removal of mixins and functions that were previously available to users of Frontend.
You can add to this map and define which warnings to suppress by appending to it using the warning key, found in the warning message. For example:
Default value
$govuk-suppressed-warnings: ();
Example: :
// warning message:
// $foobar is no longer supported. To silence this warning, update
// $govuk-suppressed-warnings with key: "foobar"
$govuk-suppressed-warnings: (
View source code for _warnings.scss on GitHub
General tools
Export module
Ensure that the modules of CSS that we define throughout Frontend are only included in the generated CSS once, no matter how many times they are imported across the individual components.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Name of module - must be unique within the codebase | String |
@include govuk-exports($name) {
View source code for _exports.scss on GitHub
Font URL
If a custom font-url handler is defined ($govuk-font-url-function) then it will be called, otherwise a url will be returned with the filename appended to the font path.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Font filename | String |
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Image URL
If a custom image-url handler is defined ($govuk-image-url-function) then it will be called, otherwise a url will be returned with the filename appended to the image path.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
for the image to load | String |
View source code for _image-url.scss on GitHub
Unit conversion
Convert pixels to em
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Length in pixels | Number |
Font size of element | Number |
View source code for _px-to-em.scss on GitHub
Convert pixels to rem
The $govuk-root-font-size (defined in settings/_typography-responsive.scss) must be configured to match the font-size of your root (html) element
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Length in pixels | Number |
View source code for _px-to-rem.scss on GitHub
General helpers
Media query for retina images (device-pixel-ratio)
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Device pixel ratio | Number |
2 |
@include govuk-device-pixel-ratio($ratio: 2) {
Example: Providing a @2x image for screens that support it
background-image: govuk-image-url("my-image.png");
@include govuk-device-pixel-ratio {
background-image: govuk-image-url("my-image-2x.png");
Example: Using a custom ratio
background-image: govuk-image-url("my-image.png");
@include govuk-device-pixel-ratio {
background-image: govuk-image-url("my-image-2x.png");
@include govuk-device-pixel-ratio(3) {
background-image: govuk-image-url("my-image-3x.png");
View source code for _device-pixels.scss on GitHub
Focused text
Provides an outline to clearly indicate when the target element is focused. Used for interactive text-based elements.
@include govuk-focused-text;
View source code for _focused.scss on GitHub
Focused box
Provides an outline to clearly indicate when the target element is focused. Unlike govuk-focused-text, which only draws an underline below the element, govuk-focused-box draws an outline around all sides of the element. Best used for non-text content contained within links.
@include govuk-focused-box;
View source code for _focused.scss on GitHub
Hide an element visually, but have it available for screen readers
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark as !important
Boolean |
true |
@include govuk-visually-hidden($important: true);
View source code for _visually-hidden.scss on GitHub
Hide an element visually, but have it available for screen readers whilst allowing the element to be focused when navigated to via the keyboard (e.g. for the skip link)
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark as !important
Boolean |
true |
@include govuk-visually-hidden-focusable($important: true);
View source code for _visually-hidden.scss on GitHub
Get colour
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Name of colour from the colour palette ($govuk-colours ) |
String or Colour
Deprecated. The $legacy parameter is deprecated and is non-operational, as the legacy colour palette has been removed. The parameter will be removed in the next major version. |
String or Colour or Boolean
false |
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Get the colour for a government organisation
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Organisation name, lowercase, hyphenated | String |
Deprecated. Use $contrast-safe instead. | Boolean |
By default a version of the colour will be returned which has a minimum 4.5:1 contrast ratio when used with white, as per the WCAG 2.1 Level AA guidelines. If you want to use the non-contrast safe version you can set this to false but your should ensure that you still meets contrast requirements for accessibility - for example, do not use the non-contrast safe version for text. |
Boolean |
true |
View source code for _colour.scss on GitHub
Make a colour darker by mixing it with black
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
colour to shade | Colour |
percentage of black to mix with $colour | Number |
View source code for _colour.scss on GitHub
Make a colour lighter by mixing it with white
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
colour to tint | Colour |
percentage of white to mix with $colour | Number |
View source code for _colour.scss on GitHub
Clear floated content within a container using a pseudo element
@include govuk-clearfix;
View source code for _clearfix.scss on GitHub
Grid width percentage
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Name of grid width (e.g. two-thirds) | String |
View source code for _grid.scss on GitHub
Generate grid column styles
Creates a grid column with standard gutter between the columns.
Grid widths are defined in the $govuk-grid-widths
By default the column width changes from 100% to specified width at the
‘tablet’ breakpoint, but other breakpoints can be specified using the $at
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
name of a grid width from $govuk-grid-widths | String |
full |
left | right | String |
left |
mobile | tablet | desktop | any custom breakpoint | String |
tablet |
@include govuk-grid-column($width: "full", $float: "left", $at: "tablet");
Example: Default
.govuk-grid-column-two-thirds {
@include govuk-grid-column(two-thirds)
Example: Customising the breakpoint where width percentage is applied
.govuk-grid-column-one-half-from-desktop {
@include govuk-grid-column(one-half, $at: desktop);
Example: Customising the float direction
.govuk-grid-column-one-half-right {
@include govuk-grid-column(two-thirds, $float: right);
View source code for _grid.scss on GitHub
Media Query
This is a currently a wrapper for sass-mq - abstracted so that we can replace it in the future if we so choose.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
One of $govuk-breakpoints |
String or Boolean
false |
One of $govuk-breakpoints |
String or Boolean
false |
Additional media query parameters |
String or Boolean
false |
Media type: screen, print… | String |
all |
@include govuk-media-query($from: false, $until: false, $and: false, $media-type: "all") {
.element {
@include govuk-media-query($from: mobile) {
color: red;
@include govuk-media-query($until: tablet) {
color: blue;
@include govuk-media-query(mobile, tablet) {
color: green;
@include govuk-media-query($from: tablet, $and: '(orientation: landscape)') {
color: teal;
@include govuk-media-query(950px) {
color: hotpink;
@include govuk-media-query(tablet, $media-type: screen) {
color: hotpink;
View source code for _media-queries.scss on GitHub
Common link styles
Provides the typography and focus state, regardless of link style.
@include govuk-link-common;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Link decoration
Provides the text decoration for links, including thickness and underline
offset. Use this mixin only if you cannot use the govuk-link-common
@include govuk-link-decoration;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Link hover decoration
Provides the text decoration for links in their hover state, for you to use
within a :hover
pseudo-selector. Use this mixin only if you cannot use the
@include govuk-link-hover-decoration;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Default link styles
Makes links use the default unvisited, visited, hover and active colours.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-default;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-default;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Error link styles
Makes links use the error colour. The link will darken if it’s active or a user hovers their cursor over it.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-error;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-error;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Success link styles
Makes links use the success colour. The link will darken if it’s active or a user hovers their cursor over it.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-success;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-success;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Muted link styles
Makes links use the secondary text colour. The link will darken if it’s active or a user hovers their cursor over it.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-muted;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-muted;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Text link styles
Makes links use the primary text colour, in all states. Use this mixin for navigation components, such as breadcrumbs or the back link.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-text;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-text;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Inverse link styles
Makes links white, in all states. Use this mixin if you’re displaying links against a dark background.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-inverse;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-inverse;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Default link styles, without a visited state
Makes links use the default unvisited, hover and active colours, with no distinct visited state.
Use this mixin when it’s not helpful to distinguish between visited and non-visited links. For example, when you link to pages with frequently-changing content, such as the dashboard for an admin interface.
If you use this mixin in a component, you must also include the
mixin to get the correct focus and hover states.
@include govuk-link-style-no-visited-state;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-no-visited-state;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Remove underline from links
Remove underlines from links unless the link is active or a user hovers their cursor over it.
@include govuk-link-style-no-underline;
.govuk-component__link {
@include govuk-link-common;
@include govuk-link-style-default;
@include govuk-link-style-no-underline;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Include link destination when printing the page
If the user prints the page, add the destination URL after the link text, if
the URL starts with /
, http://
or https://
@include govuk-link-print-friendly;
View source code for _links.scss on GitHub
Image link styles
Prepares and provides the focus state for links that only contain images with no accompanying text.
@include govuk-link-image;
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Arrow mixin
Generate Arrows (triangles) by using a mix of transparent (1) and coloured borders. The coloured borders inherit the text colour of the element (2).
Ensure the arrow is rendered correctly if browser colours are overridden by providing a clip path (3). Without this the transparent borders are overridden to become visible which results in a square.
We need both because older browsers do not support clip-path.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Direction for arrow: up, right, down, left. | String |
Length of the triangle ‘base’ side | Number |
Height of triangle. Omit for equilateral. | Number |
null |
CSS display property of the arrow | String |
block |
@include govuk-shape-arrow($direction, $base, $height: null, $display: "block");
View source code for _shape-arrow.scss on GitHub
Single point spacing
Returns measurement corresponding to the spacing point requested.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point on the spacing scale (set in settings/_spacing.scss ) |
Number |
.element {
padding: govuk-spacing(5);
Example: Using negative spacing
.element {
margin-top: govuk-spacing(-1);
Example: Marking spacing declarations as important
.element {
margin-top: govuk-spacing(1) !important;
View source code for _spacing.scss on GitHub
Responsive margin
Adds responsive margin by fetching a ‘spacing map’ from the responsive
spacing scale, which defines different spacing values at different
breakpoints. Wrapper for the _govuk-responsive-spacing
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point on the responsive spacingscale, corresponds to a map of breakpoints and spacing values | Number |
Direction to add spacing to (top , right , bottom , left , all ) |
String |
all |
Whether to mark as !important
Boolean |
false |
Offset to adjust spacing by | Number |
false |
@include govuk-responsive-margin($responsive-spacing-point, $direction: "all", $important: false, $adjustment: false);
.element {
@include govuk-responsive-margin(6, "left", $adjustment: 1px);
View source code for _spacing.scss on GitHub
Responsive padding
Adds responsive padding by fetching a ‘spacing map’ from the responsive
spacing scale, which defines different spacing values at different
breakpoints. Wrapper for the _govuk-responsive-spacing
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point on the responsive spacing scale, corresponds to a map of breakpoints and spacing values | Number |
Direction to add spacing to (top , right , bottom , left , all ) |
String |
all |
Whether to mark as !important
Boolean |
false |
Offset to adjust spacing | Number |
false |
@include govuk-responsive-padding($responsive-spacing-point, $direction: "all", $important: false, $adjustment: false);
.element {
@include govuk-responsive-padding(6, "left", $adjustment: 1px);
View source code for _spacing.scss on GitHub
‘Common typography’ helper
Sets the font family and associated properties, such as font smoothing. Also overrides the font for print.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Font family to use | List |
$govuk-font-family |
@include govuk-typography-common($font-family: $govuk-font-family);
View source code for _typography.scss on GitHub
Text colour helper
Sets the text colour, including a suitable override for print.
@include govuk-text-colour;
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Regular font weight helper
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . Generally Used to create override classes. |
Boolean |
false |
@include govuk-typography-weight-regular($important: false);
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Bold font weight helper
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . Generally Used to create override classes. |
Boolean |
false |
@include govuk-typography-weight-bold($important: false);
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Tabular number helper
Switches numerical glyphs (0–9) to use alternative forms with a monospaced bounding box. This ensures that columns of numbers, such as those in tables, remain horizontally aligned with one another. This also has the useful side effect of making numbers more legible in some situations, such as reference codes, as the numbers are more distinct and visually separated from one another.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . Generally Used to create override classes. |
Boolean |
false |
@include govuk-font-tabular-numbers($important: false);
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Word break helper
Forcibly breaks long words that lack spaces, such as email addresses, across multiple lines when they wouldn’t otherwise fit.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . Generally used to create override classes. |
Boolean |
false |
@include govuk-text-break-word($important: false);
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Font size and line height helper
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point from the type scale (the size as it would appear on tablet and above) | Number |
Non responsive custom line height. Omit to use the line height from the font map. | Number |
false |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . |
Boolean |
false |
Deprecated: Use govuk-font-size
@include govuk-typography-responsive($size, $override-line-height: false, $important: false);
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Font size and line height helper
Takes a point from the responsive ‘font map’ as an argument (the size as it would appear on tablet and above), and uses it to create font-size and line-height declarations for different breakpoints, and print.
Example font map:
19: (
null: (
font-size: 16px,
line-height: 20px
tablet: (
font-size: 19px,
line-height: 25px
print: (
font-size: 14pt,
line-height: 1.15
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point from the type scale (the size as it would appear on tablet and above) |
Number or String
Non responsive custom line height. Omit to use the line height from the font map. | Number |
false |
Whether to mark declarations as !important . |
Boolean |
false |
@include govuk-font-size($size, $line-height: false, $important: false);
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Font helper
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Point from the type scale (the size as it would appear on tablet and above). Use false to avoid setting a size. |
Number or Boolean or String
Weight: bold or regular
String |
regular |
Whether to use tabular numbers or not | Boolean |
false |
Line-height, if overriding the default | Number |
false |
@include govuk-font($size, $weight: "regular", $tabular: false, $line-height: false);
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Button component background colour
Default value
$govuk-button-background-colour: govuk-colour("green");
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Button component text colour
Default value
$govuk-button-text-colour: govuk-colour("white");
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Inverted button component background colour
Default value
$govuk-inverse-button-background-colour: govuk-colour("white");
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Inverted button component text colour
Default value
$govuk-inverse-button-text-colour: $govuk-brand-colour;
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Width container mixin
Used to create page width and custom width container classes.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
Width in pixels | String |
$govuk-page-width |
@include govuk-width-container($width: "$govuk-page-width");
Example: Creating a 1200px wide container class
.app-width-container--wide {
@include govuk-width-container(1200px);