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Browser support

To make sure the public can successfully access and use government services, regardless of the browser they’re using, the Design System team has divided browsers into 4 grades. Each grade shows the level of support we will provide.

From GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0 onwards, Internet Explorer 11 will no longer run GOV.UK Frontend JavaScript and support is completely removed for Internet Explorer 8 to 10. Our CSS are still compatible with Internet Explorer 11.

You can see more information about how we provide support for different browsers in our GitHub documentation.

Grade A

Grade A browsers include the most recent stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Samsung Internet and Safari.

These browsers should be able to parse GOV.UK Frontend’s JavaScript without error. We aim to provide the same overall experience in Grade A and B browsers.

When supporting these browsers we’ll:

  • use Grade A browsers for any manual testing carried out during the development process
  • use our automated test suites as standard
  • treat bugs affecting Grade A browsers as high priority

Grade B

Grade B browsers include all stable versions of Chrome, Firefox and Edge released in the last 6 months and the last 4 releases of Safari which are not supported in Grade A.

These browsers should be able to parse GOV.UK Frontend’s JavaScript without error. We aim to provide the same overall experience in Grade A and B browsers.

When supporting these browsers we’ll:

  • use our automated test suites as standard
  • treat bugs affecting Grade B browsers as low priority unless we find evidence they prevent a user from being able to complete their task

Grade C

Grade C covers browsers not in Grade A or B which support <script type="module">. These are:

  • Chrome 61 and later
  • Edge 16-18
  • Edge 79 and later
  • Safari 11 and later
  • Firefox 60 and later
  • Opera 48 and later
  • Samsung Internet 8.2 and later

These browsers should be able to parse GOV.UK Frontend’s JavaScript without error.

However, we might disable or reduce features on an individual basis in browsers where the underlying features are not available. We’ll make exceptions if users need the feature to complete their task.

Safari 10.1 (macOS) and Safari 10.3 (iOS) support <script type="module"> but will ‘exit early’ as they does not support HTMLScriptElement.prototype.noModule, which is how we test support for <script type="module"> from within our JavaScript. JavaScript modules will not run in these versions of Safari.

For grade C browsers we:

  • might remove support for individual features in these browsers at any time without considering them a breaking change
  • will not regularly test in these browsers
  • will not fix bugs affecting these browsers unless they prevent a user from being able to complete their task, or we can fix the bug by disabling a feature

Grade X

Grade X includes all browsers that do not support <script type="module">, including all versions of Internet Explorer.

These browsers should not download or attempt to parse GOV.UK Frontend’s JavaScript.

We will not regularly test in these browsers. We will not fix bugs affecting these browsers.